MCO Season 3 english speaking reviews

La suite officielle en 26 épisodes par MoviePlus (Jean Chalopin) et Blue Spirit, diffusée sur TF1 en 2016.
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MCO Season 3 english speaking reviews

Message par Foebane72 »

What do you all think of this season so far, compared to the first two? I think it increases the stakes for all the characters a great deal, as there's so much peril, more so than usual. Highlights for me included:

- The return of Gaspard, what a surprise! I thought he was pulled under when the destruction of the First City of Gold drained the lake, but I guess he swam to safety, unlike Gomez who was slammed from behind by a boulder.
- The gassing of the Samurai by our heroes, all wearing goggles and makeshift gas masks - I thought it was a particularly cool image for Tao, my favourite character.
- The fact that Ambrosius, as Zares, was revealed to our heroes on the Condor so that the children's sense of betrayal by whom they thought was a friend was complete. I particularly felt sorry for Tao, as he was hit the hardest by this betrayal, as he and Ambrosius got on so well together.
- The Third City of Gold, which was fascinating, especially with that submarine - It was sad, however, to see Tao lose interest as he was still devastated by the betrayal, which he soon forgot when he thought that Esteban and Zia had drowned.
- The Maharajah at the Indian palace - did Ambrosius keep him drugged, so he would continue to allow Ambrosius and his followers to use the place? Also, what did Ambrosius and Tao (whom he captured) talk about, mostly? Was it Ambrosius wanting Tao's help but Tao refusing? I hope so!
- Why did Gaspard so deliberately and directly try to cleave Tao's skull in with his sword? I thought that was the most cruel thing! But I guess Gaspard had had enough of the children teasing him and wanted to make an example. He did very nearly throw Esteban and Zia overboard, after all!

I wish I knew what was fully said in the dialogue, but I suppose that's something to look forward to in the English dub. Anyone know if that will use the same voices as before? There have been a lot of complaints about Season 2's English dub.
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Message par Routard »

Je traduis :
Pour le moment , que pensez-vous de cette saison, par rapport aux deux premières ? Je pense que les enjeux pour tous les personnages augmentent beaucoup, il y a davantage de dangers, plus que d'habitude. Faits importants pour moi :

- Le retour de Gaspard, quelle surprise! Je pensais qu'il s'était noyé quand la destruction de la première Cité d'Or a vidé le lac, mais je suppose qu'il a nagé en sécurité, contrairement à Gomez qui a été frappé par derrière par un rocher.
- Le gazage des Samouraïs par nos héros, qui portent des lunettes et des masques de gaz de fortune - j'ai pensé que c'était une situation particulièrement cool pour Tao, mon personnage préféré.
- Le fait qu'Ambrosius et Zarès sont la même personne a été révélé quand nos héros étaient à bord du Condor; de sorte que le sentiment de trahison des enfants par celui qu'ils considéraient comme un ami est complet. J'ai particulièrement été désolé pour Tao, car il a été frappé le plus durement par cette trahison, étant donné qu'il s'entendaient bien.
- La troisième cité d'or, fascinante, surtout avec ce sous-marin - Cepdandant, il est dommage de voir Tao perdre tout intérêt puisqu'il était encore dévasté par la trahison, mais qu'il a vite oublié quand il pensait qu'Esteban et Zia s'étaient noyés.
- Le Maharajah du palais indien - Ambrosius le gardait-il drogué, pour continuer à permettre Ambrosius et ses disciples de rester vivre au palais ? Mais aussi, de quoi Ambrosius et Tao (qui a été capturé) parlent la plupart du temps ? Parlaient-ils d'Ambrosius demandant l'aide de Tao, mais Tao refusant? J’espère !
- Pourquoi Gaspard a-t-il délibérément essayé de fracasser le crâne de Tao avec son épée? J'ai pensé que c'était quelque chose de cruel ! Mais je suppose que Gaspard en avait assez que les enfants le taquinent et qui voulait faire un exemple. Il a déjà failli jeter Esteban et Zia par-dessus bord, après tout!

J'aimerais comprendre tous les dialogues, mais je suppose que je devrai attendre le doublage anglais. Savez-vous si ce seront les mêmes voix que précédemment? Il y a eu beaucoup de plaintes concernant le doublage anglais de la saison 2.
Au revoir, à bientôt
Enfant du Soleil
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Message par Foebane72 »

No-one wants to comment on what I've said?
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Message par Routard »

Concerning the fact that season 3 is much better than season 2, most of people said the same (it's MY opinion, just what I read).
For the english but, I'm pretty sure it will be the same cast as season 2! Or maybe there are subtitles available with french voices? You'll have to wait 'till 2017 for DVD's I suppose
Au revoir, à bientôt
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Season 3 english speaking reviews

Message par Annorelka »

I hope posts in English are welcome!

I watched the season 3 and I really loved first 2/3 parts (Japan and India) and felt very dissapointed in last 1/3 (Arabia). At the beggining I was watching the show and thinking "season 2 wasn't bad, but THIS IS SO GOOD", I wished Mysterious Cities of Gold will get as popular as Miraculous Ladybug around the world thanks to season 3. It wasn't perfectly like season 1 (still my absolute favourite), but was just so, so good. Characters were closer to their orginal personalities (minus Zia), episode where our heroes discovered that Zares is Ambrosius was perfection, India episodes was something really diffferent and refreshing. There is not many adventure shows or movies right now and MCoG3 perfectly fit the niche.
And then Arabia happened. Zia powers started to grow stronger and stronger and her calm, quiet personality was totally gone. The idea that Mendoza, Sancho and Pedro would like to go back to Spain after they recieved gems was really stupid. They wanted gold, at the first place and after they went back to Spain in season 2 they were prisoned. And they left children completly without help of any adult and they thought that Ambrosius and his team are stopped after being surrounded by carpets. :evil: They even didn't take Ambrosius' compas or find Nef and broke flying mechanism. It was far, far worse that Esteban singing that annoying song in episode 12 of season 2. Later Mendoza acted really OOC at times, he is supposed to be clever tactician and adventurer with common sense, but he was doing really stupid things like stealing the camels or leaving children without anybody. Tao and Esteban were really sidelined and Zia was the main star and she was so... unlike Zia. She was attacking enemies, she was first to fight or run somewhere, she was solving puzzles like a boss, she was loud, tomboyish and over-powered. She was nothing like Zia I know and really like (my favourite character after Mendoza). Season 2 make a good job in giving Zia more important role, more action, but still being close to her orginal character. I also don't see why they made Zia tomboyis action girl when theu introduced Laguerra - new character that is a woman fighter. Why we don't have one calm female character and one that is brave, good at fighting etc. but instead the made both a bit similar in role (action girls stealing show from rest of characters in last arc)? That would be more diverse.
I also really dislike Isabella/Mendoza pairing in a way they were presented in show. I hoped that they would be rivals and Laguerra would be an enemy that maybe will change sides in next season after realizing that uncle Ambrosius is more and more crazy. But they went for romance instead, sigh... I think that kiss scene in last episode was terrible and so unrealistic/stupid act from two intelligent characters. Children were going to die, City is destroyed!
I have nothing against adding romance to the show or Mendoza having love interest. But I don't like that his love interest was basically a female copy of him in many aspects. Good at fighting, caring about children but beiing ambigous (good thing is that they were ambigous in different ways),winning fights in clever way, Spanish, quite charismatic. For me it feels like they try to replace Mendoza and I just don't like the idea "make lovers so similar to each other".
I also loved the character concept of princess Rana Ori and I wished they told us more about her! They should be in the city for two episodes and maybe watching holograms telling a story about Rana's life? It's her tomb after all. And city was beauttiful.
So, for me the first two arcs were really, really good! I wwas repeating "SO GOOD" quite often while watching. I loved it, it was worth waiting 3 years, I felt they learned a lot from mistakes of season 2. I just loved it.
And thir arc destroyed this season for me and I'm not waiting for last season with big enthusiasm like for season 3. It's sad that my favourite character's personalities (Zia and Mendoza) was really destroyed/changed in this arc. The most triggering moment was probably that kiss scene (UGH).
There is a few really good things in Arabia episodes (egigmas and City of Gold desings, beduins culture, Ambrosius becaming really powerful villian), but there is more things I don't like.

So, my ranking of seasons:
1. Orginal/First season
2. First 2/3 of season 3
3. season 2
4. last 1/3 of season 3

Sorry for all mistakes in English. Neither French or English is my first language.
Orginal season: 19/20
2nd season: 15/20
First 2/3 of 3rd season: 17/20
Last 1/3 of 3rd season: 10/20
4th season: really disliked because of personal preferences, refuse to rate. Visuals were really beautiful, though.
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Re: Bilan de la saison 3

Message par nonoko »

Thanks a lot Annorelka, that was really interesting to read!
You are so much right on some points...but I don't agree with your ranking, since there are silly things in every part of the season 3, sometimes more in some episodes..For example I watched again this morning ep.7 (I think) where Zares tries to kill Mendoza, scare Ichiro and so on... :roll:
"On savoure mieux ce qu'on a désiré plus longtemps, n'est-ce pas Mendoza?"
Unagikami mon amour
"It was a skyfall, and a rebirth, a bloody honeymoon, for both of us"
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Ra Mu
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Re: Bilan de la saison 3

Message par Ra Mu »

You have a point in many respects.
Concerning Mendoza, changes of behaviour are taking place since the end of season 1 as he is no more interested in gold. He sorted out his priorities and started to genuinely care for the children. It may explain his lack of accurate tactics, letting his feelings overcome his judgment. It can explain as well his love interest, even if it blinds him.
If the "love scene" may seem strange to us, I think we can take this moment as a second degree joke, in order to alleviate the tension. It is BS humour style during this season.
- On s'est tout de même embrassés, cela ne signifie donc rien?
- HEIN? T'as embrassé Ambrosius?
- *soupir* Allez, déblaie!
HOP HOP HOP! :x-):
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Re: Bilan de la saison 3

Message par nonoko »

Ra Mu a écrit : 05 févr. 2017, 19:16 If the "love scene" may seem strange to us, I think we can take this moment as a second degree joke, in order to alleviate the tension. It is BS humour style during this season.
A second degree joke, indeed, I do agree.. :x-):
"On savoure mieux ce qu'on a désiré plus longtemps, n'est-ce pas Mendoza?"
Unagikami mon amour
"It was a skyfall, and a rebirth, a bloody honeymoon, for both of us"
Yokai Circus
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Re: Bilan de la saison 3

Message par Annorelka »

nonoko a écrit : 05 févr. 2017, 18:00 Thanks a lot Annorelka, that was really interesting to read!
You are so much right on some points...but I don't agree with your ranking, since there are silly things in every part of the season 3, sometimes more in some episodes..For example I watched again this morning ep.7 (I think) where Zares tries to kill Mendoza, scare Ichiro and so on... :roll:
Thank you!
I agree, for example scene with Esteban and wood that stopped Zares was really silly, but it was only one scene and it's easier to overlook it. And after episode 7 we had wonderful episode 8. While in Arabia episodes, silly or OOC things were happening quite often. Esteban stopped Zares with that wood, but later he didn't have many moments to shine and didn't felt over-powered like Zia. I'm cartoon fan and I can usually easily overlook sillier things in animation. But MCoG is suppose to be quite realistic, historically accurate show and maybe I'm more critical. OOC moments were more irritating for me anyway.
Ra Mu a écrit : 05 févr. 2017, 19:16 You have a point in many respects.
Concerning Mendoza, changes of behaviour are taking place since the end of season 1 as he is no more interested in gold. He sorted out his priorities and started to genuinely care for the children. It may explain his lack of accurate tactics, letting his feelings overcome his judgment. It can explain as well his love interest, even if it blinds him.
If the "love scene" may seem strange to us, I think we can take this moment as a second degree joke, in order to alleviate the tension. It is BS humour style during this season.
Well, I quite disagree, Mendoza (at least in my eyes) was interested in both gold and protecting children at the end of season 1. I would even say that he wasn't really bad at the beggining of season. Unlike other Spaintards he had moral compass and know that sacrificing children for gold was a bad thing. Especially when he grow fond of them. But when there was an ocassion to grab gold - why not?
I understand that after season 1 he might be less focused on gold, but I don't understand that big change in personality. If this is how Blue Spirit see his character evolution, I don't like the direction. I think being good tactic and reasonable man wouldn't make him less caring about children. I think this would make their relationship more interesting. I also think it's a better ide to keep character's traits that made him fan-favourite and explore his personality instead of trying to replace season 1 Mendoza with Laguerra (like I wrote it feels like they are coping Mendoza).
I understand your reasons, kiss scene could be seen as a joke, but I just really dislike it personally and can't accept it. :P

Those are just my feelings.
Orginal season: 19/20
2nd season: 15/20
First 2/3 of 3rd season: 17/20
Last 1/3 of 3rd season: 10/20
4th season: really disliked because of personal preferences, refuse to rate. Visuals were really beautiful, though.