Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

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Maître Shaolin
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par nonoko »

Anastazia a écrit :Laguerra is a reflection of some women who indeed dressed like men and did make their fortunes in the New World, or even some royalty who took the defense of their own country into their hands, some became Sea Dogs. However, as to her upbringing... education back then was not cookie cutter nor clear. She could have indeed received an education from a Convent or a tutor. She could have been of Nobility or simply a Courtesan. Courtesans did indeed learn some swordfighting, too, as well as riding even astride. The courtesan fashion widely varied, too, but did NOT look like a cookie cutter pirate woman like what we see at modern pirate festivals and it's this look she sports that makes her less charming, in my opinion. It seems like a slap in the face to the historical fiction tradition this show has obtained. As to the multiple earrings, it's known that those who sailed had at least a gold earring just in case they perished, then the gold could serve as their payment for a proper burial, whether on land or at sea (in which it was an offering to the sea).
I agree that she simply could not have been Marinche's daughter because of time, not so much history. But the other part that makes me wonder if she is the Dr's daughter is... her appearance works against her actually. It's difficult to accept her as the Dr's real daughter, and perhaps acceptable that she was someone he took in for Lord knows what reason. And why Ambroious is milking this for all it's worth... who knows?
All in all, this is one character who has potential but is spoiled with some idiocies of modern twists. Historical truth is FAR more exciting than what any of us can conjure!
I just hope someone tells her or has told her the truth about what happened to her father.

Very interesting, Anastazia, you are so much right! The first time I saw Isabella Laguerra in her 'pirate oufit', it didn't convince me at all.. :roll:
"On savoure mieux ce qu'on a désiré plus longtemps, n'est-ce pas Mendoza?"
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Jeune Pichu
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Anastazia »

Hehehe... I used to do Pirate events, festivals, and the sort, and I knew several women who actually dressed exactly like that but they were WAY off historically. It was all fantasy and had no reality to their attire at all. I preferred to do historical Piracy, not fantasy.
So, I agree with you. Laguerra is hard to believe in some way because she doesn't seem realistic enough whereas there were PLENTY in the first series back in the 80s that were indeed very realistic enough. Great example were the Amazon women.
Perhaps she will be improved upon in the future? At least the voice actress they picked was a very good one and befitting.
Enfant du Soleil
Enfant du Soleil
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Foebane72 »

Anastazia a écrit :I just hope someone tells her or has told her the truth about what happened to her father.
It wouldn't do much good, as she can't easily gain revenge on an extinct species (the Olmecs).
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Maître Shaolin
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Seb_RF »

Il y a certe peux de chance, mais il n'est pas totalement exclu que calmeque ou menator ai pu survivre ou même d'autre (on a bien vu que des olmèque étais ayeur dans le monde cf l'olmeque congeler
note serie:
MCO1: 18/20

Trahison/Insulte totale:
MCO2: 7/20
MCO3: 4/20
MCO4: 3/20 (et je suis "gentil" par ce qu'il y a les effets visuels)

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Enfant du Soleil
Enfant du Soleil
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Foebane72 »

Seb_RF a écrit :Il y a certe peux de chance, mais il n'est pas totalement exclu que calmeque ou menator ai pu survivre ou même d'autre (on a bien vu que des olmèque étais ayeur dans le monde cf l'olmeque congeler
Yes, I know about the frozen Olmec that Tao took the electronic map from. It's possible there may be other Olmecs all over the world, scouting for Cities of Gold. It would be good if our heroes came across another live one, it would be curious to see what might happen if Isabella is with them.
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Ra Mu
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Ra Mu »

Anastazia a écrit :Laguerra is a reflection of some women who indeed dressed like men and did make their fortunes in the New World, or even some royalty who took the defense of their own country into their hands, some became Sea Dogs. However, as to her upbringing... education back then was not cookie cutter nor clear. She could have indeed received an education from a Convent or a tutor. She could have been of Nobility or simply a Courtesan. Courtesans did indeed learn some swordfighting, too, as well as riding even astride. The courtesan fashion widely varied, too, but did NOT look like a cookie cutter pirate woman like what we see at modern pirate festivals and it's this look she sports that makes her less charming, in my opinion. It seems like a slap in the face to the historical fiction tradition this show has obtained. As to the multiple earrings, it's known that those who sailed had at least a gold earring just in case they perished, then the gold could serve as their payment for a proper burial, whether on land or at sea (in which it was an offering to the sea).
I agree that she simply could not have been Marinche's daughter because of time, not so much history. But the other part that makes me wonder if she is the Dr's daughter is... her appearance works against her actually. It's difficult to accept her as the Dr's real daughter, and perhaps acceptable that she was someone he took in for Lord knows what reason. And why Ambroious is milking this for all it's worth... who knows?
I fully accept your ideas. The voice actress rises the character to an outstanding level.
Indeed, her outfit reminds me Pirates of the carribeans. Well, we will assume that she is dressed with the "basic female adventurer" garnment we are used to at Japan expo.
- On s'est tout de même embrassés, cela ne signifie donc rien?
- HEIN? T'as embrassé Ambrosius?
- *soupir* Allez, déblaie!
HOP HOP HOP! :x-):
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Maître Shaolin
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par nonoko »

Yes, at least her voice is great...Sometimes I concentrate only on the voices, especially hers and Mendoza's voice, and I try to forget the outfit (or Mendoza's face...)
"On savoure mieux ce qu'on a désiré plus longtemps, n'est-ce pas Mendoza?"
Unagikami mon amour
"It was a skyfall, and a rebirth, a bloody honeymoon, for both of us"
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Enfant du Soleil
Enfant du Soleil
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Foebane72 »

nonoko a écrit :Yes, at least her voice is great...Sometimes I concentrate only on the voices, especially hers and Mendoza's voice, and I try to forget the outfit (or Mendoza's face...)
The voice is great... until the English dub comes along and ruins it once again... am I right?
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Maître Shaolin
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Seb_RF »

enfait je vient de le remarque la tenu d'isabella c'est la même (ou presque) que celle de Angelica dans pirate des caraïbe 4 sans le manteau (se référé au moment de la mutinerie quand Jack va dans sa chambre)
note serie:
MCO1: 18/20

Trahison/Insulte totale:
MCO2: 7/20
MCO3: 4/20
MCO4: 3/20 (et je suis "gentil" par ce qu'il y a les effets visuels)

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Guerrier Maya
Guerrier Maya
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Re: Isabella Laguerra, l'aventurière au parcours compliqué

Message par Bend »

Ra Mu a écrit :
Haokah a écrit :Cela me rappelle tout simplement Mendoza dans la saison 1. ;)
Cest bien ce que j'ai souligné.
En effet, je pensais à Mendodo en écrivant ses lignes. Deyriès disait dans une interview qu'un tel personnage est impensable dans une production internationale car les américains n'en veulent pas. BS a osé le pari et je leur en suis reconnaissante sur ce point.
J'interviens juste pour situer les propos de Deyriès.
C'était certainement impensable à l'époque car l'animation TV était réservée exclusivement aux enfants aux USA.

Mais il y a 25 ans (grosso modo, à la fin des années 80, début 90), l'animation TV US a subi un bouleversement à ce niveau-là avec une flopée de séries regardables aussi par les adultes : Les Simpsons, Batman, Daria, South Park... voir ne s'adressant qu'à eux : Aeon Flux, Spawn...
Ça, en France, cela ne s'est jamais vraiment produit. On a juste eu quelques tentatives par-ci par-là : Les Shadoks, Les Lascars... ou le tout récent LastMan.

Mais pas besoin de prendre un Lastman pour voir que les Cités d'or 3 n'est pas du tout risqué de ce point de vue-là, il suffit de la comparer aux Cités d'or 1 pour ça...
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